Ajeet Singh

React JS & React Native Developer with a passion for creating efficient and scalable solutions. Experienced in building web and mobile applications using modern frameworks and technologies.

React NativeReact JSFront EndMern Stack
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About Me



B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering

BBD University | Lucknow



City Convent Inter College | Lucknow


High School

City Convent Inter College | Lucknow

My Skills

React JS & React Native Developer with a passion for creating efficient and scalable solutions. Experienced in building web and mobile applications using modern frameworks and technologies.

React JS80%
Next JS70%
React Native80%
MERN Stack65%
Tailwind CSS80%

My Experience

Front-end Developer

Unified Mentor Private Ltd - Remote

Jan 2025 - Present

At Unified Mentor, I develop responsive web interfaces using React.js, collaborate on UI/UX implementation, optimize for performance, and debug front-end issues, gaining valuable hands-on experience and enhancing my technical skills.


React Native Developer

IELTS Proficiency - Remote

Feb 2023 - May 2023

The internship focused on developing a parental control app, where I designed UIs, implemented features, debugged issues, and collaborated with the team to enhance the user experience.


Co-Founder & Teach Lead

Flawwless - Lucknow

Oct 2022 - Mar 2023

Legal Destination For Law Professionals & Students.Flawwless is a Flawless app for users to ease their legal woes. This app contains non baised info.

Full Time

My Skills Set

React NativeReact.jsC++JavaJavaScriptHTML+CSSES6Express.js
Tailwind CSSMaterial UINode.jsGradleGitGitHubReduxFigma

My Portfolio

Open Source Repo Finder

Open Source Repo Finder

Discover and Explore Open Source Repositories with Ease

An app built to help developers find random GitHub repositories based on a selected programming language. It displays repository details like name, description, stars, forks, and open issues, with a feature to fetch another repository seamlessly.

Next.jsJavaScriptTailwind CSSGitHub APIReact
Markdown Previewer

Markdown Previewer

Real-Time Markdown to HTML Preview Tool

A user-friendly tool for developers and writers to preview Markdown content in real-time. It converts Markdown syntax into formatted HTML, enabling seamless content creation and visualization.

NCERT E-Book Reader

NCERT E-Book Reader

Read and Explore NCERT Books Online

A web app designed for students and educators to access and read NCERT books seamlessly. It provides a clean and intuitive interface for browsing and reading educational material.



Legal Educational Platform

Founded the app which helps users to get a better understanding of the law and consume unbiased information. Some of the features of the app are reading articles, an Inbuilt dictionary, Rich resources, and Easy to use.

React JsJavaScriptReact NativeFirebaseExpressMongoDbRest API
Automatic Expense Manager

Automatic Expense Manager

Manage And Track Finances

This is a React Native mobile application that enables users to manage and track their finances automatically through transaction sms.

React JsJavaScriptReact NativeFirebaseExpressMongoDb
Device Info

Device Info

Android System Insight

Developed an app that provides in-depth insights into a user's device hardware, software, and connectivity. Offers a comprehensive overview of the device's specifications

React JsJavaScriptReact NativeMaterial UI
QR Code

QR Code

Scanner & Generator

This is an app for easy QR code management, allowing users to scan existing codes and create custom QR codes.

React JsJavaScriptReact NativeMaterial UINPM
Meta Data

Meta Data

Link Previewer

Created a Link Previewer web application that can provide your Link's Metadata such as type, images, title, and description.

React JsJavaScriptReact NativeMaterial UINPM
Earth Observatory

Earth Observatory

Natural Event Tracker

Developed a web application using Google Map API that can help users keep track of various natural events such as wildfires from all over the world.

React JsJavaScriptTailwind CSSNASA API


Manage tasks easily

Developed task management app using React Native that allows users to create, organize, and track tasks efficiently. The app provides features like categorization, due dates to enhance productivity.

React NativeJavaScriptFirebaseReduxTailwind CSS


Explore the Universe

A space exploration app using NASA APIs to provide real-time data on Mars rovers, asteroids, Earth imagery, space media, and the ISS position. Designed for space enthusiasts to explore the cosmos interactively.

React NativeJavaScriptREST APIFirebaseTailwind CSS

Latest Blog

How Tailwind CSS Enhances Web and Mobile Development in React Ecosystems

How Tailwind CSS Enhances Web and Mobile Development in React Ecosystems

Jan 25 2025

React's flexibility and component-based architecture make it a dominant framework in web and mobile development. Tailwind CSS, a utility-first framework, complements React by streamlining development and enhancing user experiences. Here's how it boosts development within the React ecosystem.

By Ajeet SinghRead more
From Web to Mobile: Converting a React.js App into a React Native App

From Web to Mobile: Converting a React.js App into a React Native App

Jan 25 2025

As mobile app demand grows, developers often seek to extend their web apps to mobile platforms. If you're familiar with React.js, React Native is a natural choice for building mobile apps. This guide explores the process of converting a React.js app into a React Native app, with tips for a seamless transition.

By Ajeet SinghRead more
Asynchronous JavaScript - Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await

Asynchronous JavaScript - Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await

Sep 14 2022

JavaScript, being synchronous and single-threaded, executes instructions one at a time. If an operation takes too long, it can block subsequent tasks, disrupting code execution. On websites, this can lead to interruptions in user interactions.

By Ajeet SinghRead more
SEO Best Practices for Next.js Websites

SEO Best Practices for Next.js Websites

Jan 25 2025

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for boosting your website's visibility on search engines. Next.js provides a strong SEO foundation with features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). Here are beginner-friendly tips to help your Next.js website rank higher.

By Ajeet SinghRead more

Get in Touch

Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm with a direct question on LinkedIn and I'll respond whenever I can. I will ignore all soliciting.